This document outlines the basic parameters which The European Disability Forum (EDF) applies in procurement. They are defined by EDF’s statutes, the procurement rules applied by our donors and are in line with the Belgian Law. The principles of transparency and accountability, accessibility and professionalism underpin EDF’s approach.

Procurement policy and financial management

Tasks Roles and responsibilities

1. Preparation and approval of the annual budget

As outlined in the EDF statutes; the Annual General Assembly, also referred to as AGA, (which meets in May or June every year) approves the budget for the following year. This annual budget is prepared by the secretariat (led by the Finance Manager), with input from the whole team. The budget is approved for presentation to the AGA by the Director. Once the AGA approves the budget, it is then used for the work-planning of the following year.

2. Operational costs of the secretariat (rent, salaries, services such as insurances, publications and the running of governing body meetings)
For the management of the Secretariat, the President or the Treasurer shall give a mandate to the Director to oversee the operational costs of the Secretariat. The Director ensures that all operational costs are in line with the approved budget.

EDF’s purchasing and procurement are centralised and in line with the EC procurement guidelines presented in Annex 1. – EDF purchases services and products which are accessible to all persons with disabilities and therefore simple price offers with level of costs are sometimes not enough to decide. EDF must ensure that accessibility is adequate. This means price, combined with accessibility will define purchasing decisions.

All purchases are agreed by the Finance Manager and Director. Contracts are reviewed in detail by the Finance Manager and then reviewed and signed by the Director. Invoices are reviewed by the Finance Manger and signed for approval by the Director.

If there are any expenses planned of greater than 5.000 euro, which have not been approved in the budget, these need to be approved by the Board.

For all purchases of over 5.000 euro, competitive price offers will be sought based on
an open call on the EDF website (such as for an external evaluator or consultant) or
via a request for quotes from a minimum of 3 suppliers, such as for publications, or hiring of facilities for Board or AGA meetings

Agreement on contracts is based on the best price, and provision of accessibility for persons with disabilities; contracts are signed by the Director.

Agreement on contracts is based on the best price, and provision of accessibility for persons with disabilities; contracts are signed by the Director.

EDF manages all purchases via the bank and does not operate petty cash.

3. Accounting and financial reporting

The secretariat manages EDF accounting with the support of an external accountant and under the supervision of the Treasurer. Every year there is also an external audit and an internal audit.

The Treasurer receives quarterly financial reports from the Director.

Accounts are presented to the Board twice per year for approval (at the Spring and Autumn Board meetings). The audited annual accounts are presented to the AGA each year for approval.

The Executive Committee meets 5 times per year and at each meeting, the Treasurer gives the Executive Committee an update on Finance ensuring a continuous oversight.

Following approval by the AGA, the audited EDF financial report is published on its website.

The financial year runs from January 1st to December 31st each year.
4. Continuous improvement financial policies and procedures and membership fees

The Finance Committee, which meets twice per year provides oversight to the financial management of EDF and gives input on membership fees, and financial rules. An extract from the statutes describing the finance committee is presented in Annex 2.
5. Sources of Income

EDF’s income includes membership fees, donations, grants, subsidies and legacies awarded to support either the general aims, or a specific goal, which does not run counter to EDF’s aims and tasks. EDF can also engage in Corporate Sponsorship, following the Corporate Sponsorships Guidelines adopted by the AGA 2018. The AGA has the authority to approve membership fees levels, with advice from the Finance Committee.

Annexes can be found in the word version below.