Webinar on Advocating against the draft additional protocol to the Oviedo Convention: ending coercion in mental healthcare. Online launch of advocacy toolkit

Webinar on Advocating against the draft additional protocol to the Oviedo Convention: ending coercion in mental healthcare. Online launch of advocacy toolkit
from3 pm to 5 pm



Since 2014, the Council of Europe (regional organisation composed of 47 European countries) and its Committee of Bioethics are working on a piece of legislation to regulate involuntary treatment and placement in psychiatry – the so-called “draft additional protocol to the Oviedo Convention”. This initiative has been highly criticised by users and survivors of psychiatry, organisations of persons with disabilities, other civil society organisations, bodies within the Council of Europe and experts from the United Nations, including the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Despite the opposition, member states of the Council of Europe have continued to support the work on this draft protocol, ignoring their obligations under international law. A final draft has been approved and will be put for a vote in June 2021 within the Committee of Bioethics, for final adoption at the end of 2021 or early 2022.

The European Disability Forum and Mental Health Europe, together with numerous stakeholders are strengthening efforts to oppose the draft and request the withdrawal of the protocol. At this occasion, they are launching an advocacy toolkit against the draft additional protocol to the Oviedo Convention.

Speakers include representatives from the European Disability Forum, Mental Health Europe, the European Network of (Ex)-Users and Survivors of Psychiatry, Human Rights Watch, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and more!


  • Present the latest draft additional protocol and understand why it violates human rights
  • Understanding the process of adoption of the draft protocol
  • Present the advocacy toolkit and how to use it


The webinar will provide International Sign interpretation and real-time captioning (English). The webinar will be recorded and shared later for those who cannot join.


  • For technical questions or issues, please contact Raquel Riaza, Events and Administration Officer: raquel.riaza@edf-feph.org.

Concept note and agenda

About us

The European Disability Forum (EDF) is an umbrella organisation of persons with disabilities that defends the interests of over 100 million persons with disabilities in Europe. Run by persons with disabilities and their families, EDF is a strong united voice of persons with disabilities in Europe.

Mental Health Europe (MHE) is a European non-governmental network organisation committed to the promotion of positive mental health, the prevention of mental distress, the improvement of care, advocacy for social inclusion and the protection of the rights of (ex)users of mental health services, persons with psychosocial disabilities, their families and carers.

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