Messages from the Youth Committee with the occasion of European Day of Persons with Disabilities 2022

Messages from the Youth Committee with the occasion of European Day of Persons with Disabilities 2022

Like every year the EDF Youth Committee takes the opportunity around the European and International Day of Persons with Disabilities to convey some messages.

The former and present Youth Committee are delighted to see that their request of last year was a reality and the European Day of Persons with Disabilities on 24 and 25 January gave a spotlight on young people, and that there was a better representation of this group in the attendance. The Committee hopes that this is a beginning and similar opportunities will arise.

Ben Rowsome

In a society that is ever changing, it is vitally important that support for young people (be it physical, emotional or logistical) is a constant throughout all this, and also serves as a means of bringing us all closer together.

Lydia Vlagsma

The right of young disabled people to participate in society on an equal footing to their non-disabled peers is under pressure. While cost of living is increasing, the financial position of young disabled people remains inadequate. While many schools and universities return to their rigid, inaccessible pre-covid state, young disabled people remain excluded from education.

Addressing these structural obstacles to equality can only be done together with young disabled people, in close cooperation with decision makers on all levels.

Amir Alibabic

Its enough of deprivation, accesibility is the key. Dont be afraid, we are here and we will help you. Just change your mindset and just do it. #standforsomething

Nina Portolan

European institutions need to make sure their opportunities and programmes are visible to disabled youth. There is no equal access without adequate and easily accessible information. Secondly, decisions concerning disabled youth must be made with involvement of disabled

Tamara Byrne

Europe should be leading by example in hiring people with intellectual disabilities and making workplaces that have supports in place so we can have meaningful jobs in governments.

Europe should ask more young people with intellectual disabilities about their opinions and share these in the media, so we are visible equal citizens

Eliza Marino

The right to live indepently is an essential right for people with disabilities, especially young people.  . It allows the individual to decide for himself and his life. There must be a total commitment to its respect.

 Places, transport and information accessibility means a reality in which people with disabilities are free to move, have knowledge of the news and facts that make them well aware citizens and able to make the right decisions. We must ensure this accessibility throughout Europe, always and no matter what.

Stereotypes are one of the main causes of the violation of people with disabilities’ rights and of the discrimination they suffer.

It is absolutely vital, therefore, to strengthen awareness-raising campaigns and educational projects on issues relating to disability, the living conditions of persons with disabilities, and their rights.