funds our work on employment and digital skills funds our work on employment and digital skills

We are happy to announce that EDF was one of the grantees of’s philanthropic funding to support persons with disabilities.’s support will allow us to continue our advocacy for better inclusion of persons with disabilities in the labour market, especially through access to technologies and increasing digital skills.

The funding will support the following activities:

  • Research digital skills capacities and opportunities for persons with disabilities;
  • Research on accessible and assistive technologies and access to reasonable accommodation.
  • Research on how to improve the provision of reasonable accommodation, accessible and assistive technologies, and digital skills.

The findings will be translated into a report on “Facilitating access to the open labour market for persons with disabilities through increasing digital skills and access to accessible and assistive technology”, which will include recommendations for EU and national policies.

Yannis Vardakastanis, President for the European Disability Forum said;

Only 51% of active persons with disabilities of working age are employed in the EU. This disappointing number is due to the many barriers we face, including a lack of access to technology and digital skills. We are happy to be supported by in our work to understand these barriers and increase employment opportunities in the open labour market.