Interview with MEP Katrin Langensiepen – "Independent living is still one of the key fights when it comes to disability rights"

Interview with MEP Katrin Langensiepen – "Independent living is still one of the key fights when it comes to disability rights"

This is the seventh of a series of interviews with Members of the European Parliament (MEPs). In this interview, we spoke with MEP Katrin Langensiepen about the expectations regarding the future AccessibleEU centre, which report was recently debated and approved with 611 votes. We also spoke about her intersectional approach to political reports, papers and debates and about her takeaways from the Conference of State Parties to the CRPD, which she attended last June.

Accessible EU

Question: You led the European Parliament’s Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) report setting the Parliament position for the AccessibleEU centre. What are the main recommendations for the future centre?

Answer: As rapporteur for the establishment of this centre in the IMCO Committee, it was very important to me that the European Parliament comes up with strong demands and a future vision for this centre. We call for a well-funded centre that brings together experts, national stakeholders, and especially people with disabilities. The AccessibleEU centre should deal with specific challenges posed by particular domains of accessibility policies. In order directly reach the Member States, “Mirror groups” of subject matter experts should be created in each Member State. The establishment of the new AccessibleEU Centre should pave the way for the EU to set up a regulatory agency aiming at boosting accessibility for persons with disabilities in all areas of life.

MEP Langensiepen speaking at AccessibleEU Centre in support of accessibility policies in the EU internal market (debate) - October 2022
MEP Langensiepen speaking opening speach on debate on AccessibleEU Centre in support of accessibility policies in the EU internal market – October 2022

UN Disability Rights Conference

Question: You participated in the European Parliament’s Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) delegation to the Conference of State Parties to the CRPD in the UN headquarters. Which were the takeaways of the exchanges with the international disability movement and the State Parties?

Answer: Independent living is still one of the key fights when it comes to disability rights. As we made very clear by all the actors in New York, we need deinstitutionalisation and free and accessible assistance systems throughout the world. Change is happening, but we need to accelerate it.

Disability Pride

Question: Every July, the international disability movement celebrates Disability Pride. Why is this annual awareness celebration important and how are you involved?

Answer: In all reports and political papers I write on the topic of disability, I always try to insert the term “intersectionality”. We are not one homogeneous mass of disabled persons, we can be female, lesbian with a migration background – in this case, we suffer under multiple discriminations. What we need is the consideration of intersectionality and specific target measures and helps. The Disability Pride shows: of course, you can be disabled and part of the LGBTIQ community. We are proud of that. What we are demanding is not being discriminated against for that.


Image credit: © European Union 2022 – Source : EP / Christian CREUTZ