Logo of Lithuanian Disability Forum

National Council- full member Lithuanian Disability Forum

The Lithuanian Disability Organizations Forum (LNF) unites 15 organizations that collectively represent the interests of around 300,000 people with disabilities, their families and those with disabilities. we strive for equal opportunities for people with disabilities to participate in all aspects of life - education, the labor market, social and political life. The inclusion of people with disabilities is guaranteed by high-quality and targeted community support services that enable them to live independently, choose a place to live, an educational institution, a workplace, leisure activities and forms of social engagement. One of the main goals of the LNF is the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN Convention) in Lithuania. This international document, adopted in 2006, was ratified in Lithuania in 2010.



Logo of Lithuanian Disability Forum

Žemaitės g. 21 (V a.), 512, 515 kab.



