Mateja Toman

President of NSIOS


Mateja Toman Biography

Mateja Toman is a university graduate in law. She devoted herself to the theoretical and systemic field of disability protection during the preparation of her thesis, focusing on children’s rights.

After completing her studies, she was employed at the disability company Birografika BORI, where she gained insight into all aspects of the operation of a commercial company that pays special attention to the training and employment of persons with disabilities, especially those with muscular dystrophy, who are among the most severely physically affected.

Later, while working, she decided to pursue postgraduate studies in personnel management to further enhance her knowledge in another professional field and connect it with practical experience. In her master’s thesis, she focused on the factors affecting the employability of persons with disabilities in the open labor market. Since October 2021, she has been the president of the Council for Disabled People of the Republic of Slovenia.

From the combination of theoretical knowledge acquired during and after her studies, practical experience gained over twenty years of work, and her own experience of disability, she is aware of the challenges and roles of disability organisations and the gap between legislation and the actual situation in the field of fundamental rights and equal opportunities for persons with disabilities.

Above all, as she often emphasises, she is aware of the importance of cooperation. While coordinating different views and opinions can be challenging at times, it is often the key to shaping better solutions.