The EESC approves opinion on EU Disability Card

The EESC approves opinion on EU Disability Card

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has (unanimously) approved the Opinion on the EU Disability Card. The document, proposed by our President Yannis Vardakastanis as rapporteur, reflects a strong call for the development of disability rights related to freedom of movement and residence, as expressed by EDF’s position on the Disability Card, published in 2022.

With the approval of this Opinion, the EESC:

  • Considers that the non-mutual recognition of disability among EU Member States, by hindering the availability of support measures for persons with disabilities traveling to another member State, implies a denial of their freedom of movement;
  • Recommends that the EU Disability Card is implemented by a Regulation – a direct binding legal instrument -, and that persons with disabilities and their representative organizations are fully involved in each step leading to its implementation and monitoring,
  • Calls the Commission to propose a EU Disability Card that includes, for persons traveling across the EU or moving to other EU countries, all the services, support measures, benefits and discounts already granted to nationals with disabilities.

We welcome the EESC’s decision, that confirms the Institution as a strong partner in making the EU Disability Card a reality and in advancing the rights of persons with disabilities across Europe.

Read the Opinion on the EU Disability Card