Logo of Portuguese National Confederation of Organisations of Disabled People

National Council- full member Portuguese National Confederation of Organisations of Disabled People

The Portuguese National Confederation of Organisations of Disabled People is the Portuguese umbrella organisation of Disability People organisation including most of disabilities.


Who are they?

The Portuguese National Confederation of Organisations of Disabled People has 36 member organisations representing persons with intellectual, physical , sensorial disabilities.

The organisations aims:

  • Denounce the living conditions of people with disabilities
  • Claim the inclusion of people with disabilities as a human rights issue
  • Claim equal opportunities in accessing the labor market
  • Recognition of the democratic role of the associative movement in the area of disability in the development of active policies
  • To demand the inclusion in the State Budget of funds destined to organizations of people with disabilities

CNOD is a non-profit organization whose objective is to guide its associative action by the principles of confessional or political freedom and the unity of the disabled movement as conditions necessary for the full social integration of the disabled and for this purpose it proposes to:

  • Coordinate and boost the activity of associations of disabled people;
  • Defend, by the most varied means at their disposal, the collective interests of the disabled;
  • Promote, organize and support actions leading to the satisfaction of the just claims of the disabled.

What they do

  • Thematic seminars for reflection on issue related to disability;
  • Every three-year organising the National Disabled Congress;
  • National Meeting of the Disabled;
  • Raising public awareness on issues of people with disabilities


Logo of Portuguese National Confederation of Organisations of Disabled People

Portuguese National Confederation of Organisations of Disabled People (CNOD)

Av. João Paulo II, lote 528, 1º A,

1950-430 Lisboa,


