Ukraine Updates, 20 October

Ukraine Updates, 20 October
  • The Committee for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Committee for the Rights of the Child released a statement voicing their concern about the situation of children with disabilities from institutions in Ukraine – some of which still living in risk areas. The Committees urge the Ukrainian institutions and the wider international community to assess the individual requirements of children with disabilities in institutions and plan the evacuation for those in risk areas, strengthen community-based services and develop a family foster care programme for children from institutions.
  • In early October we met in Brussels with our Ukraine programme partners from across Eastern Europe. The partners participated to multiple training sessions including personal safety awareness, security risk management and stress management. In addition, they attended meetings with representatives from European and international institutions, and guided sessions during which they exchanged experiences, competences and best practices with their counterparts. The five-day event was an excellent opportunity for training, learning and mutual exchange.
  • Soon after the start of the war in Ukraine, the Organisation for Muscular Dystrophy in the Slovak Republic started a collaboration with the Slovak Red Cross to deliver wheelchairs for refugees with disabilities crossing the eastern border from Ukraine. Today, they have expanded their emergency response activities to also help refugees with disabilities and their families settle in Slovakia and have access to the services they need. Visit our stories section to read more about their work.