2021 achievement of EDF Women's Committee

2021 achievement of EDF Women's Committee

EDF Women’s Committee is composed of 10 members coming from all over Europe and representing different groups of women with disabilities. The Women’s Committee’s role is to mainstream gender in all EDF policies and documents, to raise awareness on the situation of women and girls with disabilities and to work towards the inclusion of women and girls with disabilities in society. The Committee ensures that our work takes into account the perspective of women and girls with disabilities.

In January 2021, EDF Women’s Committee adopted its action points for 2021, following its workplan for 2019-2021. The Committee communicates and works essentially by e-mail. Meetings continued to take place online due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

2021 achievements

  • 2 online meetings of the Committee in May and December 2021
  • Organisations of 3 webinars in relation to the rights of women and girls with disabilities:
  1. Webinar on the use of CRPD and CEDAW Optional Protocols to protect the rights of women and girls with disabilities (with IDA)
  2. Webinar “Feminists with disabilities take the floor” as shadow event in the Generation Equality Forum (with IDA and Women Enabled)
  3. Webinar on women and girls with disabilities in the face of trafficking and sexual exploitation (with CERMI Women’s Foundation)
  • Position paper on violence against women and girls with disabilities in the European Union and EDF statement on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
  • Submissions to consultations of the European Commission on violence against women, Council of Europe’s Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO) on its General Recommendation on the topic of digital component on violence against women, the Special Rapporteur on Health on sexual and reproductive health and rights and UN Women on its Disability Marker Initiative
  • Creation of a webpage on CEDAW, with countries up for review and resources to contribute and update of the guide for organisations of persons with disabilities on engaging with the CEDAW Committee
  • Support 4 EDF members with the review of their countries (Denmark, Hungary, Italy and Sweden) by the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women
  • Participation of members in 6 external events
  • 10 EDF Women’s Voice newsletters sent to 242 subscribers

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